China continued to intensify its campaign against online porn sites with its latest crackdown leading to the closure of 225 Web sites, including 4,000 Web channels and columns as well as 30,000 blogs and microblogs that allegedly contained and disseminated "obscene and vulgar information," according to the country's State Internet Information Office (SIIO).

The SIIO said it is now conducting investigation in collaboration with the police as well as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) to check the people running the sites and how they were able to spread their obscene content online.

The government agency further warned of more potential online closures in the coming months as it plan to launch another campaign, this time targeting gaming and video-sharing sites that distribute pornographic imagery.

The MIIT, on the other hand, plans to conduct a separate clampdown on entities using forged licenses to access the Internet as well as unregistered Web sites.

Chinese authorities in February closed down more than 60 Web sites, blogs and microblog accounts.

In September 2012, around 97,000 blogs and microblog accounts accused of circulating lewd content were closed during a seven-month long campaign.