Laura Fernee has a science PhD, but been unemployed for two years. No, it's not because of the dismal economy, but because of her looks. The 33-year-old London resident claims that her good looks had attracted unwanted attention from her male colleagues, forcing her to quit her job.

In an interview with the U.K. programme "This Morning", Fernee said that left her work at a medical research lab in 2011, where she earned £30,000 [approximately A$46,000], because she was subjected to unwanted attention by her male colleagues and harassment from her jealous female co-workers.

She claimed she was left traumatised because she was "constantly asked out" and that there were also "romantic gifts and notes" on her desk.

"Male colleagues were only interested in me for how I looked. I wanted them to recognise my achievements and my professionalism, but all they saw was my face and body," the slender brunette complained.

"Even when I was in a laboratory in scrubs with no makeup, they still came on to me because of my natural attractiveness. There was nothing I could do to stop it."

The men weren't her only problem. Her female colleagues also made her life at work a living hell.

"They assumed because I was pretty I was stupid so didn't take me seriously at first and, because of their own insecurities, were jealous of my looks," she was quoted by the Daily Mirror as saying.

"Then when they realised I was very good at my job, possibly better than them, they hated me even more."

So after three years of working at the laboratory, she quit because she couldn't take the treatment she was receiving anymore.

Fernee is now being supported by her affluent parents, who pay her £2,000/mo rent and bills for her Notting Hill flat, as well as pick up her credit card bills, pay £1,500 a month for her designer clothes and accessories, and £700 for her haircuts.

She insisted, though, that she is "not lazy and I'm not bimbo."

She is now writing a book to help fellow attractive women deal with similar situations.

Online reactions to Fernee's "rant" are largely negative, with many people commenting that it's not her looks that's her burden, but her attitude.

"I reckon she found it easier living off her parents than trying to live within her means," one commenter said after noting that she only earned £30,000 when she needed approximately £120,000 per annum to support her lifestyle.

Other commenters wrote that she is just "too full of herself," "too arrogant," and even "looks a decade beyond 33."

Some were kinder, saying that she has a point when it comes down to sexual harassment, though she should have noticed their HR department.