Nothing can take away Lea Michelle's pain after the sad demise of her boyfriend and "Glee" star Cory Monteith. The gorgeous actress has put up a brave front in public and even resumed shooting within few days of Cory's death but chose to keep her innermost feelings to herself after the his sudden death. However the 27-year-old starlet has now opened up about her life after Monteith's passing on Thursday's episode of "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."

In her first television interview since Monteith's sudden death, Lea revealed how lucky she is to be surrounded by people who helped her immensely to overcome her grief and specially acknowledged her "Glee" co-star Kate Hudson for doing the best to keep her insane.

"I'm doing well," said Lea to Ellen. "It's certainly been a pretty rough year, but I've been surrounded by such great people, such great family."

"She was so wonderful to basically give me her home to myself and my family," said Michele about Hudson's act of inviting Lea to her home after the death of Cory in July.

"It was so helpful to just, basically, have a safe place to process and (to) just have a minute to just breathe before getting back to my house with just a lot of memories and stuff. So being someplace else to just have a moment was really nice," revealed Michelle, adding how thankful she is to Hudson for her compassionate act.

".. But to have that time at (Hudson's) home to just really be in private with this for a moment - before getting back to work and before going home - I'm just so thankful to her."

Michele also added that it was a good decision on her part to join work rather than submerge herself in the memories of the late actor.

"What people also don't understand is that going to work is no harder than being at home and being in the house and opening up a closet and seeing a pair of shoes," said Michele.

"I'm just trying to do my best for him because I know that that's what he would have wanted and to just do my best and to you know, hopefully make something positive for where I go in the rest of my life," continued the star.

Ellen also shared a special recorded interview dating back to 2012 where Cory confessed he was romantically involved with Lea Michelle. Watch the episode below.

Source: EllenShowz