The upcoming HTC M7 closely resembles Apple's iPhone 5, based on the Android smartphone's leaked image render published on Wednesday by Unwired View.

Reportedly supplied by a trusted source, the render showed the possible front of the HTC M7 but the image, first obtained by @evleaks, was not explicit on any identifying marks that it is at least one of HTC's planned handsets.

"The render is apparently part of a short animation clip instructing new owners on first-time SIM card installation," Unwired View noted on its report.

It is likely, the report added, that the final M7 design will deviate considerably from what the render suggests that the HTC handset would like by the time it hits the market.

Android Central agreed. "It's worth remembering that while this render might well come from an early version of the M7 ROM ... it's not necessarily a lock for what the phone will look like," the blog site said.

Gadget designs are subject through phases of revisions, which experts said is the norms even for majors like Apple and Samsung. Indeed, if early images of the iPhone and Galaxy S in developments stages will be published today, they'll be hardly noticeable from the final products, they added.

From the same source, Unwired View also pointed to HTC's plan of including an infra-red port on the top portion of the M7, likely allowing its use as a universal remote controller. Such function, however, is outdated, the report observed, and is an unlikely addition to a high-end gadget that will collide head-on with the likes of Samsung Galaxy S4, Xperia Z and a refreshed iPhone 5S or iPhone 6.

HTC M7, blog reports said, will roll out flexing an all impressive wares headed by a 1.7GHz quad-core processor with 2GB of RAM, a 13MP rear camera combined with a 2MP front cam and a 1080p Full HD rendition via its 4.7-inch screen.

It is expected that the latest Android sweets will be powering the M7 but definitely not Key Lime Pie. More certain, reports said, is the deployment of HTC Sense 5 skin, said to be more simplified, with the replacement for the Droid DNA.

HTC is betting for better 2013 results to be delivered by the M7 following another dismal showing on Q4 2013, which analysts said underscored the company's gradual slide despite its inspiring smartphone lineup.