Lebron James recently sat with Chris Broussard of ESPN for an interview. The story will be featured in the forthcoming issue of ESPN, The Magazine.

James freely talked about his offseason, his desire to be the greatest NBA basketball player of all time and basketball icons that he looks up to.

James talked about Michael Jordan. He believes that Michael Jordan, without a doubt, is the greatest basketball player of all time. He told Broussard what he feels he got to do and accomplish in order to overthrow Michael Jordan.

"I watch Michael Jordan more than anybody, that's for sure," said James. "Michael Jordan was not perfect, he had bad games where he felt like she should have been better," he added. "But I think, the greatest thing about Jordan was that he was never afraid to fail, and that is why I think, he has succeeded so much," said James.

Having had won four Most Valuable Player awards and two NBA championship titles, James says he is afraid to fail, unlike Jordan like he initially said on his interview. "Failure is one of my biggest obstacles," said James. "I am afraid of failure, I want to be successful so bad that I turn out to be afraid of failing," he added.

Aside from Jordan, James stated that he also admires the moves of Allen Iverson. "I also watch the tapes of Allan Iverson, too," James told Broussard. "Iverson was one of the greatest finishers NBA has ever seen and he's like my second favourite player of all time, after Michael Jordan," he added.

In James' quest to become the greatest player of all time, he needs to let go of his fear and probably set up a different viewpoint and standpoint on his game. There is no need for Lebron James to re-invent himself as he is already a winner, he just needs to put all the things ahead of him in perspective.