Looks like fans and media alike can stop speculating about the impending 2014 free agency of LeBron James after the Miami Heat superstar warned reporters that he will not anymore talk about it if people continue to press on the issue.

"I'm going to try to [stop the discussion about free agency], but you always have reporters who are going to always bring it up. They're going to change the question and make it sound like something else. But it will get to a point, if I continue to hear it, where I will say, 'Hey guys, I've answered the question and out of respect, let's talk about this after the season’,” said James in an interview with ESPN the Magazine.

“I owe it to myself, I owe it to my teammates and I owe it to the Miami Heat to stay focused. As a leader, I'm not even going to let that side of the business get me unfocused on what I'm trying to do and that's trying to win another championship.”

LeBron also said that he would love to spend the rest of his career with the Miami franchise and continue to compete for championships. But he added that no one knows what will happen in the future as it’s the nature of the business in basketball. He cited the case of the Bulls break-up in the late 1990s when Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen went separate ways after winning the championship in 1998.

The Heat has won back-to-back championships in 2012 and 2013 and is looking to further build their dynasty with a third consecutive title in the 2013-2014 season.

James led the squad both times winning two Most Valuable Players awards and two NBA Finals MVP awards in the championship runs. James has averages of 27.6 points, 7.3 rebounds and 6.9 assists per game in his 10-year NBA career.