LG pulls off a practical joke on unsuspecting job applicants. The world's first 84-inch HDTV tricks them to believing the world is going to end.

LG set up a fake job interview session to fool people using their new HDTV, which they claim is the biggest HDTV in the market. The first 84-inch HDTV was used in a recent prank played by the company involving job seekers who came for the fake interview.

A gigantic HDTV was positioned to look like a normal window in an office cabin. Unsuspecting job seekers who attended the interview had no clue that the window at the back of the interviewer was not a window but actually an 84-inch HDTV from LG. The ultra HDTV showed a typical cityscape in the beginning. The interview went on pretty normally but things changed pretty soon.

The "window" at the back of the interviewer now showed an apocalyptic scene, much like what is seen in "2012," a movie with a similar theme. A giant meteor strike was now seen destroying the city. As the scene was pretty scary, the interviewees begun to panic --- screaming, running for their lives and ducking for cover. Their reactions were captured by hidden cameras which had already been rigged in the office.

LG pulled off something similar last year. Its 2012 elevator prank went viral, reaching more than 19 million hits on YouTube. This year, LG Chile uploaded the new video on September 2. The views reached the 3,000,000 mark already in the last 3 days, with more than 19,000 likes. The images must have been incredibly sharp, as it was able to fool the applicants whose nervousnous made us laugh.

However, it is still unclear whether LG used professional actors to make it look real or if the advertisement really involved real applicants whose raw emotions were captured on the video.

Watch the prank here:

Video courtesy: YouTUbe/MundoLGChile