In the realm of" Game of Thrones," the HBO original series based on the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George RR Martin, no one is safe. This was proven when perceived protagonist Eddard Stark, played by veteran actor Sean Bean, got his head cut off unceremoniously near the end of season 1.

Bean's character went through most of the season acting as the righteous head of House Stark whose members seem to be the focus of the storyline. All logic would dictate that this charismatic character would carry on and uphold righteousness in the kingdom but that's not what makes "Game of Thrones" one of the most popular TV shows in the past four years.

Starring in such a successful series often affects the careers of the actors who appear in them. With "Game of Thrones" steadily gaining popularity, here's a look at life after death for the actors who played some of the character that were killed off in the series from House Stark:

EDDARD "NED " STARK (Sean Bean): With a penchant for bowing out early in his films such as "Lord of the Rings" where his character Boromir also only figured in the first installment, Sean Bean knows how to make a mark with as little screen time as possible. His image, sitting on the Iron Throne still remains to be the most recognizable promotional material for the "Game of Thrones" Series In his first project after getting killed off, Bean took a wide deviation from his sword wielding character and played a cross-dressing teacher in the opening episode of the UK Television series "Accused." He then appeared in a string of other films which did not gain much critical acclaim or box office success. In May 2014, his new hour long drama "Legends" is set to open the third annual ATX Television Festival in Austin, Texas.

ROBB STARK (Richard Madden): Relatively unknown before his role in "Game of Thrones," the Scottish actor started acting when he was only 11 years old. A true child actor, he has not stopped working but only got his big break with "Game of Thrones". His character bowed out in rather spectacular fashion near the end of season 3 at the Red Wedding. After his character died, Madden quickly took action to keep from fading back into obscurity. He has since signed on to play the main character in Discovery Channel's original series "Klondike." He has also wrapped up shooting the new live action "Cinderella" adaptation by Disney where he plays the role of Prince Charming. The movie is set to be released in 2015.

CATELYN STARK (Michelle Fairley): Killed off at the Red Wedding with her son Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark receives a fate similar to her husband when her throat was slit open [spoiler alert]. Although the character should resurface in the series like it did in the books, she shall be considered dead for now. Fairley had a busy career soon after her character died with the release of several movies ("The Invisible Woman" 2013, "Philomena" 2013 and "Ironclad, Battle for Blood" 2014). She also appeared in the TV series "Suits" and "24: Live Another Day."

Several other main characters have since found their heads on a spike in the series and perhaps a few more will lose their lives before the end of the current season. The Kings of Westeros are a notable bunch to keep track of for the next installment of life after death in "Game of Thrones."