Recent studies have suggested that natural remedies might help in slowing down the aging process.
Researchers have taken a stab at identifying what truly makes the human mind smile and how it can affect an individual's mental state.
Recent studies may have found a link between the development of autism, and exposure to pollution during pregnancy.
A study has revealed that an experimental Ebola vaccine tested right among African nationals had yielded early promising results.
Researchers found that ibuprofen extended the life span of a human by 12 years.
The scientific community received a strong blow to the gut when Japanese researchers announced that their supposed breakthrough research on stem cells proved to yield no positive results.
Researchers at UCLA have been successful in developing a lens-free microscope that is able to detect cancer as well as other cell abnormalities, developing at a cellular level.
A research by Dr Laura McCoy found that the secret for fighting against HIV was llamas as it produced an antibody that was smaller than ones produced by humans.
A research by two scientists from Queensland showed that only 7 percent of men felt the pain of their partner.
The fatal Ebola virus that has killed some 6,915 could be cured by at least 53 existing drugs, researchers said.
It is important for people with cardiovascular conditions to seek advice regarding sexual activity from their doctors.
A recent study suggests that Australian patients are choosing to opt for online health communities over their doctors for medical advice.
Scientists at the London Imperial College and at the University of Glasgow have been working together with a private organisation called Imperial Innovations, to successfully develop a new ingredient that may help reduce hunger.
A group of Australian scientists have made the vital discovery of an antibody, which could effectively limit the spread of dengue fever around the globe.
A study showed that diabetic patients with hypoglycaemia were at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases.
The influence of white, blue and clear glass on the flavour points were tested by the researchers and it was found that the white mug's coffee had a more bitter taste to it.
A new elastic and sensor-laden material can be used to enhance the functionality of artificial limbs.
Stem cells research now has an additional feather in it's cap. Scientists are in the process of developing a viable method by which to use stem cells to create artificial human blood in laboratories.
Spiders are said to have an organ called the "slit sensible," which helps them sense movement and scientists have developed a sensor similar to the working of the spider.
Cells from one's body could be used to make organs for the purpose of treating medical conditions.
Researchers have invented a new way by which to use nanotechnology to lock in malaria parasites from affecting the human body.
A biotech company is working on developing an effective method to grow human bones in a lab by using human cells to artificially regenerate the growth.
DNA scientist, James Watson becomes the first living Nobel laureate to sell his medal.
Apocalypse or the end of days will not come in the form of a nuclear showdown between Russia and the U.S or an alien attack. Extinction of the human race could start anytime soon as scientists point to the alarming rise of superbugs.
Geroge Prior consumed 10 Cokes daily, which resulted in massive weight gain as well as increase in his body fat percentage.
The question "To cut or not to cut the penis's foreskin" would get another round of debate anew in the medical community as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued on Tuesday draft guidelines on circumcision.
Male Ebola survivors have been told to abstain from sex for three months and practice masturbation instead for the meantime.
These winds from "down under" either sound too loud or smell too much. Either way that these "careless whispers" escape through the anus, it's embarrassing to the source and cause of irritation to the recipient of the sound or smell.
A report by the McKinsey Global Institute shows that the international cost of obesity is almost as bad as smoking or armed violence.
Biotechnology may have laid down the foundation for a system in which ordinary people can use mind control to direct biological processes. Indeed, researchers have created a method that uses one's thoughts to control genes. Interestingly, the idea for this attempt was influenced by a mind game using a player's brainwaves.