The researchers stumbled upon a vital supply route cancer cells use to obtain their nutrients. This discovery can lead to new treatments to stop tumour growth.
Scientists have not only found a way to grow legions of good bacteria inside human intestines in laboratories, they are also hoping to develop a pill that can cure many intestinal problems.
The draft bill from Germany’s Health Minister Hermann Groehe comes at a time when many countries are relaxing their laws on marijuana use.
Kaye was preparing to introduce a private member's bill to the NSW Parliament for legalising cannabis for medical use just weeks before he died. He was using cannabis as pain relief.
Insulin resistance is a major problem for those who have cardiovascular diseases. The researchers analysed a national sample of adults and included dietary and lifestyle factors and team/coffee consumption.
Although human trials can begin only after five years, professor Mark Smyth said that the results have shown positive outcomes and human body can be used to fight cancer.
An edict was issued by the Chiropractic Board last month where it urged chiropractors not to promote treatments that do not have a strong evidence base. This included spinal manipulations to treat non-muscular skeletal conditions.
The Mediterranean diet study findings were consistent across all geographic locations, including Australia. However, it depended on self-reporting and didn't take into account good and bad fats and total calorie intake.
Doctors in Tasmania would first ascertain whether medicinal cannabis will at all be required for the treatment of a patient’s condition. The process will be initiated by specialist doctors.
HIV infection advances human biological ageing process prematurely on an average by five years. While antiretroviral therapies help, HIV may fuel early onset of Alzheimer’s.
Out of the men surveyed, 54 percent had mild to moderate sleep apnoea, 25 percent had moderate to severe sleep apnoea.
Human trials of the test have provided a 95 percent accuracy rate by picking up the key biological marker in the blood stream of a Parkinson’s patient.
An Independent Medical Advisory Committee and the Office of Medicinal Cannabis will be setup soon in Victoria so that access to medical marijuana products is ensured from early next year.
George R. R. Martin doesn’t share update on the progress of his next novel “Winds of Winter.”
Republican Senator Mike Vereb described Pennsylvania’s medicinal cannabis program as a healer to opioid use. According to him, opioid use is “the number-one killer in Pennsylvania.”
The medical marijuana will be available to those patients with terminal illnesses and children with severe epilepsy. However, the federal government should first approve a license for cultivation of cannabis.
According to University of Melbourne psychiatrist Professor David Castle, medical marijuana use has to be controlled in such a way so that people do not get addicted to the drug.
Climate change can make things worse for Sydney Harbour as it can raise temperature of waters in the country’s south-east part. The marine bacteria multiply with the rise in temperature of seawater.
Social support is a key driver in the fight against cancer.
Investments in research projects are a must to learn more about the causes. Currently, over 27,000 people in Victoria suffer from Parkinson’s.
New study has revealed HIV’s immense power to cripple all efforts by CRISPR gene-editing technology to cure HIV, thereby raising concerns over the effectiveness and feasibility of the gene-editing technique.
Six-year-old Oshin Strachan started to undergo chemotherapy after the court overruled his parents who preferred palliative care for his brain tumour.
Four-fold growth in diabetes cases around the world attributed to rapid urbanisation in low- and middle-income countries.
The new technique will make children miss “important social cues” as the scientists found out that children with autism focus on the speaker's mouth when emotional subjects are being discussed.
Zika virus has been linked to various neurological disorders, including microcephaly in newborns. The new research, of which Indian girl Devika Sirohi was part of, thankfully revealed some of the virus’ weaknesses.
Medical cannabis market has the potential to create thousands of skilled jobs and become a billion-dollar industry in Australia. When it’s a $250 billion global industry, it’s bound to create jobs.
As the scientists progressed with their research, one thing became clear: Alzheimer’s, in its mild stages, didn’t damage the copying brain function. Patients were able to mimic simple gestures.
Global obesity problem balloons, while there was a reduction of number of underweight people, says a new British study.
The Johns Hopkins doctors performed surgeries where an HIV-positive donor provided a liver to an HIV-positive recipient and a kidney to another HIV-positive recipient.
Actress Whoopi Goldberg was greatly affected to see her granddaughters suffer from menstrual pain and so she made it an objective to work on the lines of medical marijuana.