Kate Moss
It seems like Kate Moss just had enough of the paparazzi as she threw a fit at the Paris Fashion Week late Friday night, lunging at an unexpecting photographer aggressively snapping photos of her and companion Lady Gaga. The latter looked on, taken aback, while her staff tried to get Moss' hands off the stunned lensman. IN PHOTO: Kate Moss and her boyfriend Pete Doherty frequently abused drugs and each other during throughout their dysfunctional relationship. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor

After reports that Lindsay Lohan has finally found her footing and will go back to work, a new report surfaced about her getting entangled in another drama, setting doubts on her credibility to get her life back on track.

According to the Sun UK, Lohan was spotted embroiled in a bar brawl with Brit Catwalk Queen Kate Moss at Chiltern Firehouse, Lohan's favorite night club in London.

Witnesses cited the actress and Moss were in a heated public argument with Moss telling she was not happy that Lohan contacted her husband, Jamie Hince, when she first went to London.

According to the source, "Lindsay and Kate had a huge row at the Chiltern Firehouse. People around them noticed it was going on."

The source added, "The argument went on for a while and Kate seemed extremely annoyed with Lindsay contacting Jamie. She was ranting about it to a fellow diner at the restaurant."

"Kate wasn't happy when Lindsay arrived in the UK. There's no love lost between them and she knew they'd bump into each other eventually as they're both out on the town so much," they noted.

Because both Lohan and Moss frequent the Chiltern Firehouse in Marylebone, a celebrity hotspot, it is not that surprising that the two finally bumped into each other there, even though they are not on friendly terms.

Currently, Lohan has been staying in London for several months already because of the preparations she's doing for her appearance in David Mamet's "Speed-the-Plow" in the West End in November.

Moss must really have a jealous streak. She also got jealous when Hince talked to an attractive tourist whey they were in Thailand, the Times of India reported.

The model even scolded her husband for doing so. Surprisingly, it was about the same time as the Lohan-Moss brawl that Hince shared how much he loves his wife and how he cannot bear to stay away from her for too long.

He told Daily Mirror newspaper, "My wife is very much my sidekick, so I tend to get separation anxiety when I'm away from her."

The interview was done to promote his latest photography exhibition at New York's Morrison Hotel Gallery, which includes topless photos of his wife. The photos are doing well, going for as high as £2,400.

Discussing these naked photos, Jamie described his wife "annoyingly beautiful."

"She's really aesthetically open-minded. Sometimes a shot will come back that will be completely out of focus, wrong exposure - and it will be the most beautiful shot of the lot," he added.