Lindsay Lohan's lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, says the actress was completely sober on the night her SCRAM bracelet's alarm went off.

"A urine test taken shortly after the alert showed a negative result for alcohol," Holley told People magazine.

The District Attorney's office said that the warning was due to "an alcohol-related violation."

Lohan's SCRAM ankle bracelet went off in June at an MTV Movie Awards afterparty.

"They did a urinalysis through Medtox labs and it was indicated conclusively that there was no alcohol in her system at that time," a source, with knowledge of the test results, said on Thursday.

"She was ordered to go right in and today just got report back and it was negative."

It is a question why the SCRAM bracelet went off. Lohan's parents said that she spilled a drink on herself, however, reps at SCRAM said that is impossible.

Regardless of the result of the test, Lohan still had to post a $200,000 bail for the second time in a month after her SCRAM went off. She still has to go through weekly random drug and alcohol testing and amust abstain from alcohol until July 6.