She was swerving to avoid a car in Los Angeles when she fell from her bike, and thus confirmed Lindsay Lohan’s ex-partner, Samantha Ronson was how she got 12 stitches following the accident.

Ronson posted a picture of her sustained injuries on her Twitter account in hopes to provide warnings for others to avoid the same accident.

The picture showed Ronson in bed with bruised eyes and a swollen bottom lip.

Ronson tweeted: "Let this be a lesson... if you have a driver's license you probably don't need to be on a bmx bike."

The NY deejay added warning, "wear a helmet kids!!!"

The incident happened Saturday morning leaving her 12 stitches on her face particularly on her eyebrow, lip and forehead.

The popular DJ at the Big Apple is now recovering from home, said The New York Daily News.

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