Tiger Woods was all-out to support his Olympic champion girlfriend Lindsey Vonn when she competed in the World Cup downhill at Val d'Isere. Woods put away his golf clubs and came to see Vonn compete for the World Cup in preparation for the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia come February. However, Vonn failed to finish the event after hurting her knee halfway down the course.

"I didn't hurt myself more than I'm already hurt," Vonn said. The four-time World Cup champion said she suffered "a small compression that was fully loaded on the right ski."

Vonn skied out on her way through the downhill race Saturday. She halted in one side of the hill, looking in pain before skiing again to the finish line. Her injured knee gave out. Woods was even caught on camera with a grimace on his face after Vonn missed a gate. He probably didn't like what he saw.

The 29-year-old alpine ski racer had to undergo operation on her two torn ligaments on her right knee after a dreadful crash in February 2012. In November, she also suffered a crash while training in Colorado.

Vonn told USA Sports that she will have to be more careful in terms of her races. She wants to play in the Sochi Winter Olympics. Thus, she will have to be a little picky and choose the races that she will compete in. She plans of racing for 1 or 2 more events before February.

In a blog post, Woods wrote on his Web site that he will be spending more time with his children and support Vonn as she competes and prepares for the Sochi Olympics. He added how it has been hard for Vonn to make a comeback after having gone through a devastating injury and subsequent recovery program. Woods thought his presence and knowledge can help Vonn a lot.

Vonn said Woods has always been supportive of her. He has motivated and inspired her to keep an optimistic outlook in the challenges of her sport.

"Sometimes I get panicky and worried," Vonn said. Woods is always around to give her power words and tell her that she's just doing perfectly fine.

With Vonn's latest setback, she is adamant that there wouldn't still be any major implications. She's getting herself ready so she will be prepared for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.


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