A freak accident involving a fatal hockey ball claimed the young life of North Coast Raiders top player Lizzie Watkins, 24, on Sunday.

Lizzie was on-field midway through the first half of a game at Perth Hockey Stadium at Curtin Universitywhen a hockey ball deflected off her own stick and struck her on the back of her head, making her fall unconscious.

Reports said Lizzie was breathing when an ambulance rushed her to the hospital, but she arrived dead.

Hockeyroos doctor Carmel Goodman had stressed she had been with the team since 1998 but had not seen a freak accident that is similar to what struck Lizzie.

Olympic gold medallist Jamie Dwyer took on Twitter to mourn the loss of a young sports star.

"All the Kookaburras thoughts are with the Watkins family after the devastating news today. Such a sad day in the hockey world," he tweeted.

Lizzie's team, the North Coast Raiders posted on their group's Facebook page: "Raiders has today lost a true Stalwart of the club. Lizzie Watkins was playing the game she loved and wore the Raiders colours with pride. She will be greatly missed. R.I.P. Lizzie."

Hockey Australia Chief Executive Mark Anderson spoke for the hockey community in mourning Lizzie's death.

"On behalf of the entire hockey community I would like to express our support and sympathies to the Watkins family at this very sad time. Our thoughts extend to all involved at the North Coast Raiders Hockey Club," he said.

"Hockey is a sport that is known for its strong sense of community. I know that members of our two national teams and players involved at all levels of our sport are saddened by this tragic event," Mr Anderson added.

As a symbol of the hockey community's grief over Lizzie's tragic death, the Kookaburras wore black arm bands in the final of the London VISA International Invitational Hockey Tournament overnight.

Lizzie's father, Frank Watkins, told Channel Ten his daughter had more friends than anyone he has ever met. "Everyone loved her," he said.

Lizzie's teammates also told the media they would miss the star player's smiling face.