Times have changed indeed for fruit and vegetable vendors at local markets as buyers turn to supermarkets or online shopping, while stall owners struggle to keep up with rental fees.

According to the National Market Traders Federation (NMTF), price is not really a significant issue in the preference of buyers, but people have simply forgotten how to use a local market.

Meanwhile, in the town of Mexborough, traders have started legal action to stop rents being quadrupled.

The minimum rent at Mexborough market will rise from £15.72 (US$24) to £36.68 (US$57) a week and eventually to £78.60 (US$121) a week by 2014. The landlord, Doncaster Council, says the rents have not increased in over 15 years and the rentals would fund investment for attracting more shoppers.

In an interview with The Guardian, a trader who wished to remain anonymous, said: "If the rents go up like that we might as well just pack up and go home - we just couldn't afford to stay here, we don't make enough money. We're valued by our customers but we're just not profitable enough."

The Guardian further reports, rents are also under scrutiny at Europe's largest indoor market, Kirkgate, in Leeds.

Cliff Hocken runs a stall selling seafood, sandwiches and refreshments with his wife, Michelle. The family have run the business for 130 years. Michelle believes better management of the facilities would bring more people in.

"Market traders often bend over backwards for their customers - if people ask us how to cook stuff we can help them and offer that personal touch. People are becoming more discerning and want fresh produce and to know where it's come from - it's that kind of thing we provide, but I wonder how many people are aware of that," says Michelle.

The campaign group Friends of Leeds Kirkgate Market fear the council is trying to change the local market's overall appeal and character, but Leeds markets champion councillor Gerry Harper denies this, tho adding things cannot stay the same forever.

"Some people seem to think we're trying to close the market, we're not. We genuinely want to make this the best market in the country," Harper said.

But the NMTF has said one of the biggest issues facing modern markets is attracting new stallholders.

The NMTF was founded in 1899 by South Yorkshire market traders, who passed the trade to many generations leading up to now.

Communications manager Roy Holland said that stalls that had been in the same families for generations were now closing because the younger generation has other plans. Hence, the NMTF is hoping an apprenticeship scheme will encourage youngsters to take over the local markets.

Still, Holland remained positive that shoppers will start to appreciate local markets again.

"There is a very strong future for markets," he said. "I don't accept there's a terminal decline here. But the people who run the facilities need to understand what it is they're running, and they need to be promoted better, which is down to the traders as well.

"Some shoppers have forgotten how to use a market, it's a mindset that you just now go to the supermarket and get everything there. We need to promote ourselves as a place where you can get fresh good quality products where stallholders offer a personal touch."