Winning the ice hockey game at the Sochi Winter Olympics has never been more crucial until now. The U.S. and Canada have set the stakes for the men’s semi-final game on Friday, with the losing country gets to keep Justin Bieber.

The #LoserKeepsBieber hashtag is currently trending on social media, giving the neighbouring nations great inducement to win the match.

Apparently, the losing country will get to keep the 19-year-old tween heartthrob.

The Americans already lost to the Canadians in the women’s gold medal game on Thursday, so it’s up to the men’s semi-final match on Friday to determine which country should Bieber stay for good.

Bieber, a Canadian, appears to have made U.S. his new home, to the dismay of the Americans. And judging from the reactions on Twitter, nobody wants to lose and keep Bieber in their country.

Although his tween supporters come in legions, his fanbase doesn’t extend to other demographics. His questionable behaviour has landed him in trouble with the law a number of times recently, prompting American non-Beliebers to demand for his deportation from the U.S.

The Canadians, meanwhile, refuse to accept him back.

It’s unknown if Bieber knows of his unwitting participation in the very important game, but it’s doubtful that he would acquiesce to it if he knew. #loserkeepsbieber is just a joke and another “friendly” way for the competing countries to trash talk.

The trending hashtag is undoubtedly boosting patriotism among citizens, though.

Sorry. When you took him, he was just a douche on Youtube. You turned him into the mess he is. No returns on damaged merch #loserkeepsbieber

— G (@Garrestotle) February 20, 2014

#TeamCanada has to win! #LoserKeepsBieber — Andrej (@andrej08) February 20, 2014

please USA Hockey ... if you're listening, make sure Canada loses tomorrow so Bieber can go back home #loserkeepsbieber

— Mike O'Hara (@MikeStar35) February 20, 2014

USA needs to win tomorrow... #loserkeepsbieber — Trevor Bopp (@tboppcruelT) February 20, 2014

Praying Obama and Harper make a #LoserKeepsBieber deal on the game tomorrow. Would be a fight to the death.

— JMac (@PapaJ_Mac) February 20, 2014

I swear, all of the US will be simultaneously smashing their TVs if the men's hockey team loses #LoserKeepsBieber — Marisol (@lunarseawitch) February 20, 2014

I absolutely love this!!! Bring home the gold USA! ❤️