Louis CK gets it. A year-old audio of the U.S. comedian explains why Australians are the worst online pirates in the world.

Speaking on the radio show “Opie and Anthony Show” in the U.S. in April 2013, the titular star of the comedy series “Louis” has shed light on why Aussies pirate TV content.

“The whole country pirates there. Here, weirdos pirate things, there’s not that many people who pirate here. But in Australia, mums and dads pirate videos because we’re not letting them buy it, because we’re keeping it from them,” he explained.

“If they’re given the option, like everybody in the world is like ‘take my f****** credit card and just let me have the thing and I’ll pay.’ But if you’re going to be a pain in the ass, f*** you! I can steal all of it!”

That’s why “the whole country of Australia rips TV.”

When he told cable network FX to put his show on his Web site, the network refused, saying they can’t allow other countries to watch his show before the U.S.

“But what they’re doing, all these company and this piece of s***, f****** company that we’re talking on right now, is they’re keeping money out, it’s not keeping it in. They think they’re keeping money in, but they’re keeping it out.”

Louis’ interview has been a year-old, but it has just recently resurfaced and is quickly getting the attention of concurring Aussies.

As one YouTube user wrote, “Listen to Louis CK nail the real driving reason why piracy rates are so high in Australia.”

“Hell yes, I’ve downloaded and paid for three series of Game of Thrones from iTunes. Now I can’t get the fourth series without subscribing to Foxtel (which is never going to happen). I have a credit card ready and waiting to go, how dumb are they?” another one agreed, referring to Foxtel’s exclusive right to air the series in the country.

When the HBO show premiered its fourth season in April, data showed that the episode set a new piracy record, with most of the downloaders coming from Australia.

Also recently, Attorney General George Brandis called Australians “the worst offender of any country in the world when it comes to piracy.”