So the million dollar question is: What's in store for 2014? The Year of the Green Horse is just around the corner and according to the Chinese Astrology Calendar it will start on Feb. 2, 2014 in China Standard Time.

Spring will give birth to the Year of the Horse, a year that is full of grit, true spirit, vitality, endurance and awesome determination. 2014 is known as the year for leaders who want to make a difference and make things happen against all odds. This will be the year that is full of an immense turning point that will give way to a new period of fate; a period that makes a leader fully committed to his/her responsibility.

Here are the 2014 predictions according to Chinese Astrology sign.

Aries - 2014 is going to be a wonderful for people born under the sign of Aries. Tasks will be completed that has been pending for so long, your competence and flexibility will be proven, and this year will promote high energy activities although certain constraints cannot be ruled out. Career wise, this year will slow down the busy schedules and resume the hard working instincts as new techniques and ideas will born during this year. When it comes to love, new relationship and attractions shall come your way and you meet new acquaintances and new people in your life.

Taurus - This year will bring major changes in your personal and professional life as you steer away from unwanted bad habits which are going to take a toll on your peace of mind. Just stick to your conscience and you will do just fine as new activities will provide the much wanted deviations and relief. Better professional future is predicted for this year but "Taurians" beware of frauds and false allegations that would dampen your professional career. When it comes to love, your perspective about love will change for the better and this is the perfect time to root out unwanted relationship and switch to genuine relationship.

Gemini - Soft and mellow as a river, 2014 is going to be smooth sailing as you dive into new ventures. This is the perfect year to out your plans and ideas into work and re-prioritize your relationships. One thing this year promises is that luck and fortune will come without you asking for it and career life will be better than the previous years. Beware of your overtly sensitive nature, and make all efforts to keep your partner's interest at hand.

Cancer - This year will see you engaged more with your personal life over your professional one. Listening will play a major role rather than talking, and your creative works will gain more recognition and support. Make sure that your ego will not get in the way of your success, by allowing yourself to stoop down to the level of others to fully understand them. Professional life would be much satisfactory and this year will make you differentiate between real and unreal love. You have to live life in the NOW and stop from expecting too much from your spouse or partner. Subtle approach is recommended and it will do wonders in your relationship.

Leo - A highly productive year, 2014 is the time where Leos will be able to meet their ambitions and ideals in life through your sheer power and determination. There will be radical changes throughout the year as you make important decision in life related to personal and career life, but you will an ample time to enjoy life. For single Leos, this is the time to settle down in a comfortable relationship, but you have to be ready to make certain sacrifices to keep it going.

Virgo - Clear sky devoid of rain-clouds, 2014 is going to be a year full of energy and strength that you would take life in good spirits. This is the time where you will gain energy and support from those around you as you take life's route for the better. Your artistic pursuits will give you the satisfaction and inner strength. You will earn good will from your superiors and you will improve your knowledge related to your career. When it comes to love life, your romantic relationship would be moderate with a little amount of sweet and sour here and there. You will have plenty of opportunities to settle down with a soul mate and this year will help you to approach relationship with a firm hand.

Libra - 2014 is a year free from major trials and tribulations that has been haunting you over the past. Moving into a profitable territory will earn you freedom in your life like never before and now is the time to move beyond your limits. Your career will give you global exposure where you can gain connections from every side, 2014 is very positive period in your professional life. This year will make you realize that love is not always rosy as it seems to be. You need to balance you act and keep existing relationship under your arm by sharing your desire with your loved one.

Scorpio - A box of surprises is up for grab for 2014, a year that will bring out the best in all Scorpios. In order to move forward in life, you need to be aware of the changes happening around you. You better put all your efforts and commitment so your ambitions will take new wings, better communication is the key to your career's success. Scorpios' love life is going to be intense and sentimental, you have to look at the clear picture of life and make sure not to let pleasures and emotions cloud your judgment. Remember that passion without any sort of reason is going to blind you in making decisions, and beware of infatuations for this year.

Sagittarius - Your dreams and ideas in life are going to take shape as you go through life this year. Use your inspirations to help you face certain hindrances that this year will offer and let go past memories as you move forward to the future. Luck and fortune is definitely on your side and a smooth sailing ride in your professional life with no major hurdles en-route. Love life is normal this year, cherish long lasting relationship but there will be a major change in your love interest.

Capricorn - A feel good factor is set for you this year and things will start working in your favor now. When it comes to your career life, it's going to be a bed of roses as always there will be some trying times so it is ideal to leave or relocate. Trust your instincts and create a suitable environment for you. For love, you will be rejuvenated and enriched as your partner will give you the inspiration at times when you feel like you are losing control. This is a perfect time to understand the concept of relationship and its consequences.

Aquarius - Your emotions is at its highest this year and there would be so much success in your personal life. Live in harmony with your environment and enjoy the creativity as new inspiration creates new things of change. When it comes to your professional life, you will enjoy peace and tranquility this year as you try to bring new inspirations and ideas in your work. Love life/married life will be harmonious and peaceful, a time to enjoy life to its fullest. If single, this is the year where you should start looking for your soul mate but be mindful of any virtual relationships.

Pieces - 2014 will bring you goodness, strength and cheer for the rest of the year. A good number of opportunities will start opening this year as you feel the urge to set yourself apart from the rest of the crowd. A perfect time to stand up and get the recognition you always wanted from your hard work and commitment. Power and authority will do you good. When it comes to the matters of the heart, there would be new experiences and new experiments in your love life. Get ready; your life would be much fascinating like never before.