LulzSec has an ancient Greek sailboat mimicking the Odyssey, with a distinctive sail "LOL" on its webpage. Recently, it has indeed rammed through firewalls of companies including Sony Corp. and has even threatened the United States government websites.

On Tuesday, its so-called Titanic Takeover Tuesday has brought down several sites including gaming sites The Escapist, EVE Online, Minecraft, League of Legends.

On the other hand, Lulzsec was able to give reason for attacking the site Finfisher was brought down because it is an IT security company selling monitoring software to government, the blog said quoting the group.

Lulzsec group, who claims to be have a motley crew, according to a blog "is simply motivated by the desire to spread fun and laugh at the mayhem they cause."

Lulz Security claimed to be behind the attacks on Sony Corp, Nintendo, Bethesda, and even the US Senate recently.

They had indeed made themselves popular all over the world especially in the cyberspace and Tuesday's attack on gaming sites and denial of service attacks may not be the last.

It twitted on late Tuesday: "5000 missed calls and 2500 voicemails from today. The Lulz Boat must sail off and organize itself. Hope you enjoyed #TitanicTakeoverTuesday!"