The highly anticipated "Teen Mom 3" season one episode has finally aired. We were all introduced to Katie Yeager, Mackenzie Douthit, Alexandria Sekella and Briana Dejesus. The teen moms were featured on Season 4 of "16 & Pregnant" and are now sharing their stories even further in the new series "Teen Mom 3."

"Teen Mom 3" documents all four of them navigating their first year as parents. True to the series' predecessors, there was a lot to learn about the accomplishments and struggles of young mothers in the premiere episode.


The "Teen Mom 3" girls face new, callous reality checks as they learn to co-parent with their guys. The teen moms with their latest trials and troubles confront their biggest dilemmas and get a harsh intro to adulthood. Lets's recap the Sept. 2 episode.

Debt Troubles Katie Yeager and Joey Maes

Katie and her fiance, Joey, seemed to be off to a good start at the opening of the episode and decided to search for apartments together, but in the process, get in a brawl where he accuses her of wanting him to make more money.

Trust Issues Lead Alex Sekella to Try Counselling

Alex and Matt kept fighting and arguing the entire time, mainly about how she wants him to get a job and pull his weight financially and as a father for Arabella.

Mackenzie Douthit Gets Birth Control

Mackenzie‘s major issue in this episode was that she wants to get on birth control in case she and Josh decide to make love again, but her mother is reluctant about it because she just wants them to practice self-restraint as they promised they would do after their son is born.

Briana DeJesus Gives Devoin Austin Time With Daughter Nova

Briana is trying to work things out with Devoin and even drops her cyberbullying charges against him and lets him babysit Nova for an hour. Devoin did not know that Briana, Brittany and their mother were in the car around the corner waiting for Devoin to call in panic mode? And, of course, Devoin did.

We're pretty sure you missed "Teen Mom" especially as it went in a hiatus. So tell us, whose story are you most interested? Cast your vote below:

Watch the "Teen Mom 3" trailer video below:
(Video source: YouTube/Katlin Smith)

Watch "A Day In The Life Of A Single Teen Mom" below:

(Video source: YouTube/KaitlynAndBaby)