On Monday, April 13, 2014, AMC's cult drama series "Mad Men" began its end-march. The premiere episode of final, season 7, "Time Zones," picked up two months after the eventful season six finale. In the first episode, set in year 1969, Don Draper, Peggy, Joan and Roger are seen fighting their own demons and battles.

What Happened in Episode 1 of "Mad Men" Season 7:

Don Draper is still out of SC&P. He and Megan are in a bi-coastal relationship and Don goes to Los Angeles to meet her. Megan is still unaware about her husband's forced indefinite leave, and during his stay at her house, Don does not correct her impression that he has work.

There is some truth in Don's pretence that he has work to do, as he is still pitching his ideas to SC&P. Unbeknownst to Peggy, Don is using Freddy Rumsen to deliver his creative ideas.

Meanwhile, Lou Avery, who is averse to brilliance and creative ideas, is making it difficult for Peggy. The awkward meeting with Ted in the office kitchen adds to Peggy's growing pile of woes. The result, Peggy collapses in her living room and sheds tears.

Joan is unable to make others see her as the partner. Ken and a client treat her like a secretary who has nothing to offer. However, she gets to see a glimpse of professional victory in the episode. And, Roger is spending time in his house of debauchery with a group of hippies, while his daughter sets-up a meeting with him to say that she has forgiven him.

It is Peter who seems to be free of worries and is not fighting any battle.

What Will Happen in Next Episode: "Mad Men" Season 7 Episode 2: "A Day's Work"

"A Day's Work" is the title of the second episode of the final season. Pete was out of focus in episode one, "Time Zones." The preview clip and episode synopsis of the new episode suggest that he gets back in the thick of action, with a business plan.

The preview clip of the episode reveals that Pete will be proposing the idea of starting an agency. Also, he is seen saying to someone that "... I appreciate you fighting for me."

A bouquet of flowers may cheer-up Peggy, as someone sends it to her at the office. Meanwhile, Joan will find herself in an awkward situation.

The preview provides a glimpse of Don Draper fixing his coat. It looks like he had enough of sitting out in the cold. It is time Don returns to his den.
