"Field Trip," episode 3 of "Mad Men" Season 4, put Don Draper in an uncomfortable position. He almost seemed like a pariah in the firm that he once helped build. Roger Sterling asked Don to return to SC&P, but did not inform the other partners. The other partners, including Cooper, Joan, Jim, agreed to Don's return but with a number of conditions.

The conditions include, sticking to the script at the meeting, not attending any meeting alone, not drinking in the office, and reporting to Lou Avery. Don had a job offer in his hand but he still said, "Ok" after hearing to the terms and conditions of his return to SC&P.

"The Monolith" is likely to feature Don's new innings at SC&P and a new beginning for the firm, as well. The cryptic synopsis of the episode suggests that Don will be calling an old friend of his. It does not reveal why he calls this old friend and who this old friend is going to be. The preview clip of the episode provides a glimpse of Don who does not look like his old confident-self.


Pete did not appear in "Field Trip." The preview clip suggests that he returns in this episode with a national campaign. Pete is set to underestimate Peggy, according to the synopsis of the episode. Meanwhile, Roger will be facing problems on the home-front.

According to Merriam-Webster, monolith means: "very large and powerful organization that acts as a single unit." The title of the episode might be alluding to SC&P acting like one unit to achieve something. The synopsis of the episode suggests the arrival of a guest to the firm. It is likely that the firm might combine all its forces to impress the guest.

It will be interesting to see how Don works in a hostile firm ecosystem. He reporting to Lou Avery is something that no fan of "Mad Men" wants to see.

Official Synopsis of "Mad Men" Season 7 Episode 4 "The Monolith": Sterling Cooper & Partners prepares for a guest; Don calls an old friend; Roger confronts problems at home; Pete underestimates Peggy."