Madonna gives the latest scoops to her fans on Reddit.

Among the things she told her online fans was the part where she had dreamt about being in bed with none other than Brad Pitt. The queen of pop had gone on saying:

"Brad Pitt and I were living together and there was a small blonde child in the bed, Sorry Angelina, it was only a dream"

The star was utterly candid while telling her fans everything she could talk about. She had even said that for her birthday, she received, and we quote, "bong in the shape of a penis" in which the fifty five year old said she made out with while having grills.

Madonna seemed to be an open book answering about two dozen questions. The Grammy winner was also asked a lot about her work in which she did respond to wholeheartedly.

Her favorite album was Erotica and her favorite song from the album was "Justify My Love", she also talked about her album, "American Life" saying that the album was not given good reviews:

"because I dealt with a lot of controversial issues in it. I criticized American politics, the entertainment business in Hollywood. I was in an angry mood when i was making it. Maybe that came across. but I was in an angry mood when I made my last album too.'

When asked if she would be releasing an album in 2014, the star responded by saying:

There might creative juices are flowing...'

She also talked about wanting to work with Daft Punk as she is still waiting for them to return her call.

The queen of pop may have been in business for a long time but she sure does know how to chat with her fans.