Magic Tricks for Cats Video: Cats Give Different Reaction to Tricks of Magician Rick Lax [WATCH]
In a previous report, Finnish magician Jose Ahonen shared a video to show how dogs reacted to his simple magic trick of making a dog treat vanish in front of them. This made some viewers wonder and ask: What about cats? How will the furry creatures react to a couple of magic tricks? Rick Lax, a fulltime magician at Penguin Magic in the US, provided an answer to the questions.
The viral video called "Magic for Dogs" showed the dogs' puzzled reaction to magician Jose Ahonen's vanishing dog treat trick. A video recently posted on YouTube showed that the cats' response to magic is very different compared to the dogs.
According to magician Rick Lax, he spent a day with different cats and performed the magic tricks of making cards and a tiny ball appear or disappear, change the colours of the ball and pull multi-coloured paper out of his mouth.
Penguin Magic: Bonus Tips & Tricks uploaded on YouTube the video titled "Magic For Cats" last Friday, April 4, and it currently has over 90,000 views. The video description reads: "If you want to learn tricks that YOU can do for cats (or real people), visit us at"
"Everybody knows that dogs love magic and right now we are going to find out what cats think," Rick Lax stated as an introduction to the shared magic video. The cats can be initially seen in the video just looking at what the magician is doing but before Mr Lax could even finish his magic trick, the cats start to walk away from the magician.
Mr Lax also tried to entice the cats to have a look at the magic trick he was showing but he ended up chasing down the furry creature. Meanwhile, the video received mixed reactions from the thousands of viewers.
Some viewers pointed out that the furry creatures just don't care or they are not really interested with magic tricks contrasting the dogs, some of them suggested that the magician should have used food to gain the interest of the cats while the others commented that they found the video hilarious.
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