"Man Of Steel" Director Zack Snyder
Director Zack Snyder arrives for the world premiere of the film "Man of Steel" in New York June 10, 2013. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

The main villain in the upcoming movie "Justice League" may not be Darkseid. The movie does not have an exact release date yet. It will be directed by Zack Snyder, who is currently busy filming "Batman vs. Superman." [Spoiler Alert]

The comic book super villain Brainiac may be the main villain in the upcoming movie "Justice League." According to a report by Latino Review, the kryptonian beacon that Superman setoff in the movie "Man of Steel" was also heard by the villain and this attracts him to earth.

The information was leaked in a show called "Meet the Movie Press." One of the show hosts did not know who Brainiac was and he went on to guess that it had something to do with the villain using his brain to defeat Superman.

The other host of the show pointed out that Brainiac was one of the better villains from the Superman universe. He was excited about the villain featuring in "Justice League" and was curious about what happened to all the rumours about Darkseid featuring in the movie.

El Mayimbe of Latino Review said that Darkseid will feature in one of the later movies of "Justice League." The host of "Meet the Movie Press" welcomed the move by the producers to replace Darkseid with Brainiac because the former villain was very similar to Thanos, who has featured in the "Avengers" movie and is expected to play a major role in the future movies of the franchise.

The leak is reportedly based on a single source who is said to be familiar with the developments of the "Justice League" movie. Mr. Mayimbe however highlighted that generally it is common practice to verify a leak from another source but said that he personally did not believe in the rule because sometimes very few people in the industry know about important elements in an upcoming movie.

If the leak turns out to be true and the setup for "Justice League" is based on the movie "Man of Steel," then fans can expect more hints about the movie in "Batman vs. Superman." All the above mentioned movies have the same director, Zack Snyder, and may offer some form of continuity in the story line.

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