A woman looks on in front of a giant screen showing the hours since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing and the number of passengers onboard, including 154 Chinese people, at a shopping mall, in Beijing March 10, 2014. The disappearance of a Malay
A woman looks on in front of a giant screen showing the hours since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing and the number of passengers onboard, including 154 Chinese people, at a shopping mall, in Beijing March 10, 2014. The disappearance of a Malaysian airliner about an hour into a flight to Beijing is an "unprecedented mystery", the civil aviation chief said on Monday, as a massive air and sea search now in its third day failed to find any trace of the plane or 239 people on board. REUTERS/Jason Lee A woman looks on in front of a

Mystery continued to deepen surrounding the fate of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 four days after it disappeared on the air with nary a hint of anything that could pinpoint to where it can possibly be right now. Sherlock Homes-conspiracy theorists have pounced on the incident.

Initial evidences of oil slicks, a supposed door debris and life raft sighting all failed to relate to the missing aircraft.

So far, if at all, the only concrete evidence that authorities have on hand was the stolen passports. And until something comes up from under the vast ocean waters, Sherlock Homes-conspiracy theorists will continue to list down every possible hypotheses. For really, how can one rationalise that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 just simply vanished over the Gulf of Thailand with 239 people on board?

Truth be told that if Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 did explode on air, as what authorities were trying to tell the public that's why they're scouring for potential debris, the bomb-proof black box recorders which contain the digital recordings of cockpit conversations, including flight data details and control surface data will survive. Further, such equipment transmits locator signals, even under the ocean, that will last for 30 days unless it malfunctioned or was removed.

About 40 ships and 34 aircraft from nine countries are already scouring the vast ocean in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea, northeast of Malaysia toward Vietnam. On Sunday, the search expanded into areas well beyond the plane's intended northeasterly flight path toward China.

Read: Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370: New Zealand Joins in Search Operations

Authorities have also started looking at areas in the Andaman Sea, on the western side of the Malaysian peninsula.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370's black box recorder till now has yet to surface.

Albeit reluctantly, Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, director general of Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation, admitted at a news conference in Kuala Lumpur they have yet to find anything substantial.

"Unfortunately we have not found anything that appears to be objects from the aircraft, let alone the aircraft," he said. "As far as we are concerned, we have to find the aircraft. We have to find a piece of the aircraft if possible."

"To confirm what exactly happened to the ill-fated aircraft on that particular day, we need hard evidence, we need parts of the aircraft for us to analyse and to do forensic study."

Assuming Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked, theorists said to make it vanish from the radar was still far from impossible. Authorities can still use "passive" radar or as defined by NaturalNews, classic ground-based radar systems that emit a signal and monitor its reflection, to track the location of the aircraft. This, even if transponders are disabled on the aircraft.

The notion a missile could have hit Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is somehow also being ruled out. Both the missile and target aircraft will not only produce debris but also leave radar signatures easily visible to both military vessels and air traffic authorities.

So no blackbox yet, not even debris. Not to mention families of passengers claimed the mobile phones of their loved ones aboard the missing airliner still continue to ring. Alien abduction? Mass ascension? The plane diverted into another dimension, a time travel of sort?

Read: Malaysian Airlines MH370: Families of Passengers Claim Their Mobile Phones Continue to Ring

"The frightening part about all this is not that we will find the debris of Flight 370; but rather that we won't. If we never find the debris, it means some entirely new, mysterious and powerful force is at work on our planet which can pluck airplanes out of the sky without leaving behind even a shred of evidence," Mike Adams wrote on Natural News.

"If there does exist a weapon with such capabilities, whoever control it already has the ability to dominate all of Earth's nations with a fearsome military weapon of unimaginable power. That thought is a lot more scary than the idea of an aircraft suffering a fatal mechanical failure."

What's your guess? Your's could be as good as ours.