Malaysian Airline Flight MH370: Official Claims It Was Hijacked, PM Najib Razak Refuses To Confirm, But Says ‘Deliberate Action’ Led To Its Disappearance

The missing Malaysian Airline flight MH370 was hijacked, Malaysian officials said that the finding was conclusive. Prime Minister Najib Razak refused to confirm the report, but said “deliberate action” on plane led to its disappearance.
A Malaysian government official said that the hijacking theory was “conclusive,” with the police now searching the home of one of the pilots.
According to the Daily Mail, the representative said that people with significant flying experience could have turned off the communication devices of the plane, and that they have flown it up to six hours after it was lost by satellite.
PM Razak refused to confirm or deny the hijack theory, but said that there was a “deliberate action” on board, resulting in the plane turning back from its flight to Beijing and losing connection with the ground crews.
At a press conference on Saturday, Mr Najib confirmed speculations that the disappearance of the Boeing 777 plane was not accidental.
It is not clear where was the exact point in which the plane was taken, but he said that the most recent satellite data allows investigators to focus on two possible “corridors,” a northern corridor from northern Thailand through to the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, and a southern corridor from Indonesia to Southern Indian Ocean.
The plane was carrying about 7.5 hours of fuel, which means that it could have reached land anywhere in the South and Southeast Asia.
“Clearly, the search has entered a new phase. Over the last seven days, we have followed every lead and looked into every possibility,” Mr Razak said in a statement. “For family and friends (of the passengers), we hope this new information brings us one step closer to finding the plane.”
Authorities are now focusing their investigation on who may have taken control of the plane. Their search will include the two pilots, 53-year-old Zaharie Ahmad Shah and 27-year-old Fariq Abdul Hamid, and ten crew members of the plane, as well as the 227 passengers on board.
The two pilots’ psychological background, their family life, and connections are also being investigated.
Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur on March 8 at 12:41 am local time. It was expected to land in Beijing at 6:30 am local time after travelling approximately 4,350 kilometres.
However, about 45 minutes after taking off at 1:30 am, air traffic controllers in Subang reported that they have lost communication with the flight. The last known coordinates of the plane were 05 55 15n 103 34 43e.
The transponder and the messaging system of the Boeing 777 plane were disabled 12 minutes apart, which, experts said, was unlikely in case there was an in-flight catastrophe. It could only mean that someone onboard the plane was behind it.