Malaysian Police Arrest Chef Who Placed Semen In Water Bottle That A Female Hotel Employee Drank

There are anecdotes circulating in the restaurant industry that waiters who get mad at too demanding or downright rude customers get even by dipping their genitals in the drinks or spitting in the food ordered by the dining establishment patron before delivering it. In Malaysia, a chef even did worse.
He pleasured himself and ejaculated his semen in a water bottle that he took from the concierge counter. The 29-year-old chef then shook the bottle and returned it to the concierge, reports the New Straits Times.
A female employee of the hotel where the chef works got the bottle and drank its contents 10 minutes after the chef placed it in the concierge. The nasty taste of the water – which contained the chef’s sperm – made the worker inspect the CCTV footage of the hotel.
A review of the videos yielded a part wherein the chef is seen masturbating while in the lobby of the hotel in Puchong. A day after the incident, which happened on Thursday, police officers from the Puchong Jaya Police Station and Community Policing members arrested the erring chef at 11 pm on Friday just while he was about to leave the hotel’s restaurant.
The thought of swallowing semen – even if diluted by water = would be repugnant to many people, especially women. However, others such as gays or more sexually daring women are not turned off by the practice. reports that scientists are now studying the health benefits of swallowing semen, both orally and through the vagina. A Dutch study on women who swallowed semen found a link of the practice with lower preeclampsia risk. It also discovered that it helps make pregnancy safer and more successful since she is ingesting her partner’s antigens, one of the more than 50 different compounds present in the male seed. Other possible benefits found by other studies include inducing ovulation and complimenting protein present in hair molecules.
However, there is also the risk of acquiring several viruses transmitted through body fluids that could lead to cervical cancer, anal cancer and genital warts as well as Chlamydia and gonorrhea. While beyond science, there are also cultural practices and beliefs that ascribes special masculinity properties to the semen, maliciously passing on one’s seed to another person without his or her knowledge or consent is another matter that is often within the purview of the legal system.
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