'Maleficent' Star Angelina Jolie to Retire from Acting, Will Write, Direct and Engage in UN Work More

Maleficent star, Angelina Jolie is reportedly done with acting and will be focusing on directing and writing instead. Angelina Jolie however, has no plans of stopping her international humanistic efforts and will also focus on saving the world further after retiring from acting.
Angelina Jolie, 38, is lauded for being the titular wicked fairy of the movie Maleficent. However, at one of the screenings, Jolie claimed she is going to do less acting and will be pursuing other goals in the future. Specifically, she claimed that she look forward to doing more writing and directing. She also said that her work with UN will be further given the attention it deserves. Even though she is already heavily involved, she wants to do more.
Angelina Jolie is all praise for the movie "Maleficent" and its associated moral lesson. She told The Telegraph, "the side of fairytales I don't like is that they tend to have these happy endings, or there's just good and evil and things are perfect. I like to think that when there's a good story for children it has a good sense of moral tale, and I think that's what I try to teach my kids, and it's what we tried to do with this film."
She also shares, "[acting's] going to be taking more of a back seat. I've had a wonderful career and I'm going to be taking all of the opportunities I've had to tell stories and work for as long as I have. I'm sure there'll be a few more films, but I'm happy I'm able to be selective and have fun with characters like this. I would like to focus more on writing and directing, and above all I would like to focus more on my work with the UN."
If Jolie is retiring, a powerful actress will certainly be missed. Even her co-stars in "Maleficent" witnessed how powerful she is. According to Elle Fanning, who played Princess Aurora in the movie,"When she walks in the room, everyone notices her presence. She's really that powerful. I was nervous to meet her at first, but after we hugged, I was fine."
If Angelina pushes through with her decision, this probably means fans will see less of Angelina Jolie onscreen on blockbusting, award-winning projects but not hear less about her. She'll be so busy directing and saving the world, her name will be cited more than once.