A Chinese man kidnapped his 21-year old pregnant girlfriend, tied a gas tank to her back and ignited it.

What Li Moulian did to his girlfriend is brutal. He dragged the pregnant 21-yeard old Xu Fan out of her bed while she was asleep and bundled her into the back of his car. Then he carried out the vicious attack in Huizhou City, in southern China's Guangdong Province. Li Moulian strapped a gas tank to Xu Fan's back and ignited it with the hopes of killing her and the unborn baby. However the attack backfired and injured Li when he was caught up in the explosion.

Police were quick to the rescue after receiving distress calls from concerned neighbours. Apparently they saw the pregnant Fan being dragged across the street by Li. But as soon as the police spotted Moulian's car it was too late. He had already ignited the gas tank and the couple went up in flames.

"As the police car with a siren approached the car with the man and woman inside, and another blocked off its escape route from the rear, the man ignited something in the car which exploded into flames," said police spokesman Tao Hou.

Fan was pulled out of the car alive but officers were forced to extinguish the flames on her body. Moulian was also rescued but suffered more severe burns and is not expected to survive. The unborn baby also survived however its present condition is unknown.

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The couple met six months before and engaged in a one night stand. They both decided to live together upon discovering that Xu Fan was pregnant, Li working hard to raise money for the new family.

Fan told police that there have been no signs whatsoever that Moulian has been unstable for the past six months.

No one knows Li Moulian's motivation for the brutal attack. However, Fan's uncle told international press that the family had warned her about moving in with Moulian. That she needed to know more about him before deciding to spend her life with him. Apparently the warnings were true since Moulian clearly has mental problems especially when he suddenly accused Fan of killing his parents in the middle of the night.

Both Li Moulian and Xu Fan ended up in the same operating room, side by side, in the intensive care unit.