Matt Damon who was being speculated to play Aquaman in "Man of Steel 2" aka "Batman vs Superman" has played down the rumors of being casted in the much-anticipated sequel. Damon who is also a close friend to Ben Affleck had been making to a lot of press for being considered for the role of Aquaman but now it seems this was just a figment of imagination of his fans.

Damon said in his interview with CNBC meet

"Since they made Ben Batman, I've been showing up at his house every day dressed as Robin, but my little campaign I don't think has gone too well so far. If dressing up in yellow tights somehow moved the needle on this issue, I would be willing to do that. I've done sillier stuff." Damon refuted the rumors in a playful manner

Moreover Damon told People's magazine earlier, "I'm a little older than Ben. I never saw Robin as older than Batman."

Though Damon may not be joining the cast of "Man of Steel 2", he has seen the Ben Affleck's BatSuit and thinks that it is excellent.

"I have seen a picture. It's excellent," said Damon to MTV News at the "Monuments Men" red carpet event explaining his take on new BatSuit. "And I've talked to him about the story line, and it's great."

"Look, I've known him for thirty-something years.I'd be the first guy being like, 'Buddy, what are you doing?' But I think the movie is going to be great."

"Man of Steel 2" aka "Batman vs Superman" stars, Ben Affleck (Batman) Henry Cavill (Clark Kent aka Superman), Gal Gadot as (Wonder Woman), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White) and Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.

"Batman vs Superman" is being currently shot in Michigan. The movie is all set to release in 2016.

Let us know your thoughts on Mat Damon not playing Aquaman and his calling the Batsuit excellent.