"Man of Steel 2" is one of the most awaited films of this year. The film has created a stir amongst the movie fans for being allegedly titled as "Batman vs Superman." There is a lot of inquisitiveness regarding the plot of the film. However, the producers are making sure that the story line of the film stays behind the curtains.

Still the popular movie site MoviePilot has claimed that they have got some inside details regarding the plot of the film. Here are some of the alleged spoilers of the film:

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

  • Batfleck will age and will play a retired 40 year old in the film.
  • Bat Man accessories including Bat Suit and Bat Mobile will be amazing
  • The film will start seven years from where "Dark Knight Rises " ended.
  • Batman will play Gotham and would be rebuilding the city of Gotham. Robin will become his first protégé as NightWing.
  • In addition to his BatFamily, Batman has launched BatFleck a bunch of BatDrones & BatAndroids ("BatArmy"). His main agenda is to rebuild Gotham city. He is the most influential man on the planet and is the owner of Wayne Enterprise.
  • Gotham City is being lead by Bruce Wayne&Wayne Enterprises during the day and in the night the BatFamily & BatArmy takes over. In the film speculations rise that Bruce Wayne is supporting Batman.
  • ,In another spoiler: "Bruce admits that he's been "financing" the Batman. But, he says he's never actually met the Batman. He argues that the Batman is making Gotham City a safer place. He argues that without the Batman, Gotham would have been destroyed," reported by the Web site
  • The Batman is an international legend and his symbol is being considered as the symbol of justice, defiance and courage.
  • Bane's terror strike is still fresh in Batfleck's memory and he is still concerenced about the reconstruction of Gotham City. Wayne Enterprises and LexCorp may to have to work together in order to rebuild the order of city.

Let us know your thoughts on the alleged spoilers of "Man of Steel 2: Batman Vs Superman."