Every organisation has them – unwritten ground rules that shape the way the business operates. Employees start learning these as soon as they arrive, often through observing managers’ words and actions. All too often, these unspoken rules actually work at cross-purposes to organisational objectives as employees may take shortcuts, leave problems unsolved and harbour negative perceptions of the business that inhibit productivity.

HR Summit director Stephanie Campanale said managers and leaders were often unaware of how employees perceived them.

“Employees take note of whether managers practice what they preach, and behave accordingly,” Campanale said. “If managers are unaware of the negative ground rules at work in their organisation, they may carry a mistakenly rose-tinted view of company culture and these underlying issues are left unnoticed.”

At the upcoming HR Summit Brisbane, delegates will learn about the secrets behind business performance. Steve Simpson of Keystone Management Services will guide attendees through how to identify ground rules at work in their organisations and to reshape negative perceptions into positives.

The 9th annual HR Summit Brisbane will be held on 5-6 October at the Stamford Plaza. Register and pay by 19 August to take advantage of the early bird discount offer. For more information visit the official event website.