Manitoba MP Joy Smith Wants To Follow UK’s Porn Blocking Measure For Canada
Following UK's automatic censorship of porn, Manitoba MP Joy Smith said Canada should also require Internet service providers to automatically filter pornography unless an adult subscriber opts to remove the restriction.
On Monday, British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a new measure that will filter porn content online by default unless subscribers move to deactivate the filters themselves. The move aims to protect children from viewing sexual imagery that may distort their ideas about sex.
And as major ISP companies and mobile phone operators in the UK have already agreed to the plan, around 95 per cent of households and public Wi-Fi areas in the UK will be affected.
The new measure has been met with overwhelming negative reaction on the Webosphere, with some people doubting it would help protect minors.
Porn To Be Automatically Blocked Online In The UK, Prime Minister David Cameron Announces [Read]
On Wednesday, Ms Smith, a Conservative MP for Kildonan-St Paul, applauded Mr Cameron's measure, saying that Canada should follow their example. She also revealed plans to require Internet providers to make porn restriction a default in their service.
"Child exploitation, human trafficking is a worldwide issue," she told CTV's Canada AM. "The Internet is being used to harm children and I think this is just a common sense approach, another tool that parents can have to protect their children."
She mentioned that there are studies that show that most children have seen pornography often by accident.
"It doesn't censor an adult at all, because all the adult has to do in his home or her home is walk over to their computer, log on and check a little box that shuts the filter down. But it does protect the children."
Ms Smith hasn't shared her plans to Prime Minister Stephen Harper yet, and she is yet to "start a conversation" with Canadian ISP companies, search engines, and the Canadian people about what can be done to better protect the children.
"It's not about censorship at all, it's about protecting the children, plain and simple."