There have been rumours spreading over the Internet saying that the Russian tennis superstar Maria Sharapova is having Grigor Dimitrov's baby. The rumour was probably fueled by the fact that Sharapova has withdrawn from several tournaments. However, she stated and made it clear that it was only because of her recurring shoulder injury.

According to Novini, a Bulgarian newspaper, Sharapova has visited a maternity clinic in Los Angeles in September. She then came back for a follow-up check-up a month later.

This news is nothing more than a gossip. Sharapova, herself, has even addressed the pregnancy rumours on her Twitter account. "Must be the bread roll, I had the other night," Sharapova tweeted.

Dimitrov has not commented on the issue yet. He will probably just shrug it off because the couple knows that there is not an ounce of truth in it.

Recently, Sharapova visited Sweden with Dimitrov so that the couple can spend some quality time together, but she also utilised some of her free time training there. She has been religiously posting and sharing pictures from her training and improvement efforts on her Facebook account.

Sharapova seems to be ready to play and she is very much excited for her next tournament. "I wish there is tournament in three weeks," she wrote on Twitter.

Well, everyone can put the pregnancy rumours to rest. She is definitely not pregnant. Sharapova may have her relationship going strong and steady with fellow tennis player Grigor Dimitrov, and the couple may even head to the altar, but it probably won't be anytime soon.

Sharapova and Dimitrov are very competitive players and they are ambitious to get more achievements under their names in tennis sports. Dimitrov got himself a new coach, Roger Rasheed. Sharapova, on the other hand, is still without a coach.