Mark Zuckerberg (R), founder and CEO of Facebook, and wife Priscilla Chan arrive on the red carpet during the 2nd annual Breakthrough Prize Award in Mountain View, California November 9, 2014.
Mark Zuckerberg (R), founder and CEO of Facebook, and wife Priscilla Chan arrive on the red carpet during the 2nd annual Breakthrough Prize Award in Mountain View, California November 9, 2014. REUTERS/Stephen Lam

Mark Zuckerberg is showing the world how much he loves Priscilla Chan by making a video to mark their anniversary on Facebook. The Facebook CEO wants to advertise the site’s new video-documenting feature, and what better way to do that by creating one for his wife.

The Thanks feature on Facebook allows users to thank their friends with a personalised video. It basically just makes video-making for their users very easy. They just have to start by typin the name of their friend they want to give thanks to, then Facebook would help them do the rest.

Zuckerberg, apparently in an attempt to advertise this feature, made one for his wife. Calling her “an amazing girl,” the 30-year-old multi-billionaire thanked Chan for their 11 years as a couple.

“I met an amazing girl on this day exactly 11 years ago,” Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page on Friday. “Priscilla, thank you for keeping me grounded, and for helping me keep my sense of wonder about the world as we grow together.”

In the one-minute clip, Zuckerberg shows photos of them together during their “wild ride.” There were also photos of Chan with their dog, Beast, as well as images of her graduating from medical school. He also included their photos of them with their friends and family.

“Thanks for being a friend – Mark,” the video concluded.

Zuckerberg has been open with his admiration for his wife. He started dating Chan in 2003 when they were both students at Harvard University, and before he started developing Facebook. They married in 2012 in their backyard.

In October, Zuckerberg surprised the students of Tsinghua Unversity in China when he answered a Q&A session in fluent Mandarin. Apparently, he wanted to learn the language because Chan’s family speaks Chinese.

“My wife is Chinese,” he said at the Q&A. “Her family speaks Chinese, and her grandmother only speaks Chinese. When Priscilla and I decided to get married, I told her grandmother using Chinese. She was really shocked.”

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