'Marvel: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' season 3 episode 11 recap: Yo-Yo works with the team to take down an Inhuman

After a hiatus of several weeks, “Marvel: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” has returned in Season 3 Episode 11, titled “Bouncing Back.”
The episode began three months in the future. An alarm of a S.H.I.E.L.D. ship sounded and a shoulder patch and cross necklace was shown before a blast.
The scene returned to the present at Bogota, Colombia, where Yo-Yo (Natalia Cordova Buckley) was shown wearing the cross necklace. Daisy (Chloe Bennet) and Joey (Juan Pablo Raba) investigate an incident and met with Colonel Ramon, who said that a person with special abilities took their weapons.
Coulson met with the President who wanted to discuss Inhumans. The President wanted to keep S.H.I.E.L.D. operations under wraps and keep ATCU as the publicly known entity.
While investigating, Mack (Henry Simmons) found a woman who took his gun immediately and pointed it back at him. She knocked him out and Mack later woke up tied to a bathroom sink. He spotted Yo-Yo talking to someone. After some time, Mack managed to free himself and discovered that Yo-Yo always returned to her starting point after using her super speed. However, she managed to overpower Mack again.
The team acquired more information on Yo-Yo, whose real name is Elena Rodriguez. They also contacted her cousin and partner in crime. Yo-Yo later said that she tried to use her powers to battle injustice and never planned to use the weapons she took.
Later Coulson (Clark Gregg) revealed the T.A.H.I.T.I. machine. They try to use the machine on Von Strucker, who had flashbacks about being tortured.
Meanwhile, Malick (Powers Boothe) said that their group has to recover. He talked to the person who used to be Grant Ward (Brett Dalton). The person lying on the bed said that his body was dying. He has become someone else, a more powerful being.
There was some action in the episode, where Daisy, Joey and Elena worked together to stop an Inhuman working with the enemy. The Inhuman had the ability to cause paralysis immediately.
Joey tried to convince Yo-Yo to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. but she said she belongs in Colombia. Mack handed her a watch to signal them if she ever needs help.
“Marvel: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” will air next on Mar. 15 on ABC in the US and on Foxtel in Australia.
Here’s the ad for season 3 episode 11.
Source: YouTube/All TV Promos