‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ guide and SpaceX Easter Eggs: Alien technology, side missions and other points to remember

If latest reports are to be believed, “Mass Effect: Andromeda” is full of SpaceX Easter Eggs. While a group of daring pioneers to travel outside the galaxy, the game never forgets those who are pioneering such journeys in the real world. It lovingly references ESA and SpaceX among others.
Humans will discover alien technology on Mars in the year 2148, as per the game. This technology will rapidly enhance the technology of the humans in turn. Mankind will soon reach to the edge of solar system and to a galaxy beyond. As per a codex in the game, all this is possible because of the pioneering space exploration company SpaceX. Players will find a “SpaceX Model” in Ryder’s cabin on the Tempest. The model looks very similar to Falcon Heavy. This SpaceX rocket will become the most-powerful in the world.
ESA also gets it own shout-out in the game. ESA, along with the theoretical Lowell City, are a big player in “Mass Effect: Andromeda.” Players will be surprised to see some of the space missions in the game have already been carried out in the real world. The game includes past missions such as ExoMars and also planned missions like JUpiter ICy moons Explorer or “Juice” and Mercury explorer BepiColombo, reports Gizmodo AU. “Mass Effect’s” timeline shows that humans will establish first colonies in Mars by the year 2103.
However, in real life, NASA aims to achieve this goal as early as 2030. Meanwhile, there are certain things every player should keep in mind while playing the BioWare game. A player’s action on each planet has long-lasting effects. Turning on vaults and monoliths expands the area one can explore over time. This opens up new side missions and locations. Players can visit certain planets multiple time and some they can’t visit at all. Unless Suvi tells about an anomaly, players can simply orbit and scan them.
According to Polygon, “Mass Effect: Andromeda” players can argue with crewmates without affecting the finality of the mission. A lot of conversations and missions in the game end with a binary choice. Selling ones salvage is important when hunting for the perfect weapon and armour. Players will tend to collect tons of stuffs from containers and fallen enemies. Selling them will give extra cash. Players can also go back to a particular part of the game and redo their skills.
“Mass Effect: Andromeda” players generally tend to focus only on one skill tree. It is okay to do so early on in the game. But as the game progresses, other skills should not be ignored. Players should not get too much involved in side missions. Instead, they should have an evening just for these missions to earn XP and AVP points.