McDonald's China has launched for its Chinese patrons the Sausage Double Beef Burger. Innovative? Perhaps. But is it healthy? Health experts surely think otherwise.

Good thing it will be offered for a limited time only.

Similar to the burgers served by McDonald's Germany, however, McDonald's China's is way meat overload - two sausages and two beef patties, drizzled with mustard and sandwiched by two buns, but with no veggies included. None of the lettuce, tomato, pickles and onion.

Sold for 17.50 yuan ($2.68) a piece, health experts warned the consequences of such monstrous meat proportions and combinations are much way expensive in the long run.

"The bun seems to be more of an afterthought. We're guessing Mickey D's corp begrudgingly included the bread," FoodBeast's Charisma Madarang wrote.

It is not clear if the new meat selection will be offered elsewhere on McDonald's global outlets.