News Corp chairman and chief executive Rupert Murdoch, 80, has joined the microblogging and social networking site Twitter using the verified account @rupertmurdoch.

No less than Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey immediately welcomed the media icon on Sunday.

"With his own voice, in his own way, @RupertMurdoch is now on Twitter," Mr. Dorsey tweeted.

While News Corp has previously owned rival social networking site MySpace, Mr. Murdoch has never made a virtual presence in a social site before Twitter.

Asked if he would be joining Google+ next, he tweeted, "Maybe."

News Corp chairman and chief executive Rupert Murdoch, 80, has joined the microblogging and social networking site Twitter using the verified account @rupertmurdoch.

The Daily Mail reported Mr. Murdoch may have been inspired by wife Wendi Deng, who is also on Twitter as @Wendi_Deng.

She tweeted: 'hello everyone. trying out twitter again now @rupertmurdoch is on it. showing him great way 2 communicate with people.'

Ms. Deng, 43, described her husband as 'adorable,' 'cheeky' and 'sweets,' qualities that relate to an average happy person.

As of Sunday night the @rupertmurdoch account had almost 15,000 followers. This number quickly rose to almost 78,000 on Tuesday.