HTC's Droid DNA now comes in the familiar red colour of its U.S. carrier - red. However, any plans to acquire this powerful handset in the screaming tone could prove circuitous for the average consumers.

The red Droid DNA, it turns, will be issued as exclusive offering for people working with Verizon, joining earlier limited edition mobile phones dangled by the U.S. telco to its employees - the Droid RAZR HD and Droid MAXX HD from Motorola and the Windows Phone 8X from HTC.

Like the Droid DNA, Motorola and Verizon have agreed on the colour red for the special handset 'gifts' to all Verizon team members. HTC on the other hand opted for an exclusive WP8 phone that "features a gray backside, complete with yellow accents on the rear camera and the earpiece on the front of the device," according to earlier reports by WPCentral.

Save for the different colour, this DNA is no different from the earlier HTC Droid version - same platform, same phone features, same smartphone and muscle and same Android environment.

The only difference is the Verizon distinction, which comes as a back inscription that says "Verizon Employee Limited Edition," plus a corresponding serial number to signify authenticity, according to Droid Life, which published the first photos of the red Droid DNA.

The Droid Life report also indicated that Verizon staffs have started receiving the special HTC mobile phone this December, which hinted too that orders for the specially-manufactured smartphone have been place some time before the holiday season.

So any luck that people outside of the official Verizon loop will get their hands on the exclusive gadget anytime soon? Likely, according to, given that some Verizon workers would be willing to offer their red Droid DNA provisions in exchange of course for some cash.

It happened before in the previous 'employee only' offerings by Verizon and it's not too remote that it could happen, added the tech blog site.

But such deals, which usually pop out on Craigslist and eBay, do not come cheap so those gunning to get a unit must be prepared to pay for an overpriced mobile phone, which is an excellent gadget by anyway, Phone Dog added.