Prince George's parent Prince William and Kate Middleton have finally zeroed in on a nanny to care of him. She is a Spanish lady and her name is Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo, it has been revealed. The royal couple is "delighted she has chosen to join them" and Maria will be accompanying them to their three week tour of Australia and New Zealand in April, has revealed.

Maria is not just any nanny. She is a through professional who has reportedly got her training at the prestigious Norland College which trains nannies in an intensive (and expensive) full-time three year BA course. William and Kate directly approached the college and chose Maria after getting accustomed to her since quite some time now. The Spanish born nanny for Prince George has already been spotted with George in Kensington Palace Gardens some time back, the Web site reveals.

Maria joins the royal couple after the contract of the previous nanny, Jessie Webb, got expired. Maria had reportedly "worked for other high-profile families and it was from there that the Cambridges heard of her and hired her," Hello Magazine has revealed.

"She is not married and doesn't have a boyfriend, as her life is totally dedicated to the family she is working with. She is known for being totally professional-married to the job," the source close to the nanny revealed to Hello Magazine.

The Palace has been very secretive about the personal details of the nanny even since she has joined them and would like to keep the matter private.

"We will not be giving further details on Maria or her employment, except to say that The Duke and Duchess are of course delighted she has chosen to join them," the Palace said in a statement, E Online reports.

According to Daily Mail, Maria has been specially trained in self defence and knows the art of Tae Kwon-Do. She has also received training on how to "skid pan" a car in poor weather conditions, the Web site reported.

Kate and William wanted to be hands on parents to Prince George, who is eight months now but since they have lot of public appearances and tours as a part of their royal commitment, it is best to have a help to fall back to. What are your views?