You better hope Angelina Jolie won't mind. Brad Pitt topped the list of male celebrities with whom hooking-up is not counted as cheating.

Groupola recently polled 1, 198 couples in the United Kingdom to ask them: Who tops your list of guilt-free celebrity hook-ups? Sixty-nine percent (69%) of the women participating in the survey chose Angelina Jolie's man Brad Pitt. Hollywood's Megan Fox is the top choice of seventy-two percent (72%) of the men. Managing Director Mark Pearson said: "I think that having a 'list' in a relationship is fine, as long as they are taken in jest and feelings aren't hurt."

But Pearson doubts if any of the respondent would actually follow up with their list. He thinks that people would shy away from such situation while in a serious relationship.

"Although, I do wonder if any of the respondents would ever actually follow through with their 'list'," Pearson said. "I can't help but think that even if people were confronted with the situation whilst in a serious relationship, they would probably shy away from it!"

Here is the complete list of celebrities with whom you can have guilt-free hook ups:

Female stars

1. Megan Fox

2. Jennifer Aniston

3. Beyonce Knowles

4. Jessica Alba

5. Angelina Jolie

6. Cheryl Cole

7. Katy Perry

8. Nicole Scherzinger

9. Christina Aguilera

10. Rihanna

Male celebrities

1. Brad Pitt

2. Johnny Depp

3. Gerard Butler

4. David Beckham

5. Robert Pattinson

6. Ashton Kutcher

7. George Clooney

8. Justin Timberlake

9. Will Smith

10. Hugh Jackman