Australian actress Melissa George said that she had overheard "The Morning Show" staff calling her an "Aussie b----." That was the reason, she said, that she had a public meltdown while the Australian breakfast show was on air in 2012.

The Australian actress, who had her biggest break in "Home and Away," spoke about the incident to Sunday Life. She also said that she had overheard the staff talk about their plans on censoring discussion related to her roles on other networks. They apparently wanted her to focus only on her portrayal of Angel Parrish, a role which eventually brought about a huge push in her career.

Melissa spoke with the Fairfax Media magazine to clarify her stance. "I overheard before I went out on stage, 'Let's not talk about Hunted or The Slap or anything, because they're not our network. Let's have the Aussie b---- promote Home and Away'," she said. The spokesperson for "The Morning Show," meanwhile, denied the allegation. According to, the network was "[at] a loss on the claim as it did not happen."

Melissa later threatened to walk off the show if Kylie Gillies and Larry Emdur, the hosts of the morning show, asked her to talk about Angel Parrish or "Home and Away." According to witnesses, the apparent tantrums of the Aussie actress seemed to be "unbelievable" and "erratic."

While the TV crew were shocked at Melissa's behaviour, Sarah Stinson, executive producer of the show, later claimed that she had thought it to be a prank by the actress. "She kept saying she's had so many bigger roles since Home and Away that it was offensive to talk about it," an insider told Sydney's Daily Telegraph on the 2012 incident.

Melissa said that she had never talked about the reason behind her behaviour before as she had "to be the loyal good Aussie, who goes away and comes home." "My next call will be to Home and Away to ask them to pay me because nobody does more promotion for that f------ show than me," she said.