The mystery of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 continues to baffle experts and investigators.A British marine archaeologist has claimed to discover the missing jet's debris, according to Daily Mail report. Tim Akers, 56, an archaeologist, claimed to have found MH370 remnants more than 3,000 miles away from current search zone and 1,000 miles away from where the plane took off.

The Web site reported Akers has devoted years in the study of Australian waters off Perth while looking for the remnants of HMAS Ship that got lost during the time of WWII. His research has focused the same area which was thought to be the wreckage area of the missing Boeing 777.

Akers is an independent researcher working with National Maritime Museum based in North Yorkshire. For his search of MH370, he reportedly used data obtained from Landsat 7. It is the NASA's "primary photographic satellite" and is the "basis for Google Earth."

He has been minutely examining the area claiming to have found remaining parts of MH370. He allegedly identified parts of what looks like tail, wings and other debris of the plane. He located them off the coast of Vietnam. The area lies 1,000 miles away from the location the plane took off.

His report supports the reports that were received by Vietnam authorities from the oil workers who claimed to have seen a plane "burning coming out of the sky," according to Daily Mail. His findings suggested the plane might have gone down in South China Sea and not into the Southern Indian Ocean, the current search area.

He claimed the color of the debris matches that of the Malaysian aircraft that disappeared on March 8 with 239 passengers on board.

"The problem with the debris field in the southern Indian Ocean is that it has to be considered - what other material could be mimicking the debris?"

"The only material that could be giving off signals randomly and persistently and multi-coloured debris is remnants from the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 which is still trapped in currents," Akers pointed out as reported by Daily Mail.

Citing the example of Japanese earthquake, he said its debris can still be found in Pacific Ocean and they may be sending signals to the scans in the sea.

Even after more than 7 weeks of search, authorities have not been able to trace anything related to the plane. Akers noted the lack of debris was the reason enough to doubt "there's any truth in it ever having been there."

"In the South China Sea there have been witnesses, debris, aviation fuel and what he believes are jet aircraft parts," according to Akers. He added, "there's no question it could be anything else, because aircraft parts are very distinctive."

For the research, he used a software developed by him. With this, he claimed to be able to look "underground." This enabled him to see 75 ft under the Earth and 10,000 feet under the sea. His methodology involved "combining images from different parts of the light spectrum."

In 2006, Akers claimed to have found the lost WWII ship HMAS Sydney. In March 2008, his claims were proved to be true when the ship's wreckage was found by marine scientist David Mearns close to the same area pointed by Akers. He reportedly published his claims on his Web site

The results of Akers' research reportedly support the findings of the U.S. pilot, reported last week.

New York's Michael Hoebel claimed to have found MH370 wreckage off the coast of Thailand, according to April 28 report of Daily Mail.

Akers said the findings of the U.S. pilot about the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 would support his findings because he believed due to strong currents in the area the plane would come apart. Meanwhile, it was reported Malaysia has released MH370's preliminary report. It revealed the search began 4 hours after the plane made its last official contact, according to Sydney Morning Herald.

For more information on missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, read below:

MH370 Wreckage Found: U.S. Pilot Claims to Discover Wreckage of Missing Aircraft - Find Out Where is it?