First Lady Michelle Obama and singer Alicia Keys are working together to support the U.S. government in providing education to young people.

Mrs Obama held a screening of the movie "The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete" at the White House for educators as part of her new campaign helping young people get the support they need to make it to and through college. Ms Keys was one of the executive producers of the said movie. The Grammy Awards winner also did the musical score for it. The movie, which was released in October 2013, deals with the story of two young New Yorker boys who were left to take care of themselves.

Watch the trailer of "The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete" below:

Video courtesy: YouTube/VISO Trailers

On the way to the White House screening of the movie, Ms Keys tweeted a picture of herself. "On my way to @WhiteHouse to watch the Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete w/ @FLOTUS and talk about higher #education," she wrote as caption. "Thank you @FLOTUS for seeing the significance of 'Mister and Pete' & raising the profile of #education in America," Ms Keys tweeted later along with a picture with the First Lady after attending the screening.

Mrs Obama regarded Ms Keys as her dear friend and thanked the singer for her "eloquence and foresight" in seeing the importance of the said movie. "I was telling Alicia that I saw this movie this summer and I wept," the first lady said. "The minute I got through watching this movie I said 'I am going to screen this movie at the White House," she said. She stated that the movie should twitch the discussion that is already taking place about what the government has to do to make the most of young people in their nation.

Mrs Obama is keen on making America the leader in college graduation rates around the world. She aims to get this accomplished by 2020.

Ms Keys, on the other hand, is also ardent about the need to do better for young people in terms of education. "This is difficult to talk about, and this film about a young black boy being triumphant through all the phases of the most difficult harshest realities," she said. "Those narratives are really not often spoken about and perhaps not people are really comfortable talking about or comfortable addressing," she added. She said that these were the reasons that pushed her to work so hard for the film and make it happen.

Education is truly important. How else can people have a better future without education? How else can people have the money to buy the things they want if they don't have a good education which is the ticket for a higher-paying job? How else can people get the life that they want without education? Education is unquestionably one of the most vital investments that a nation can give in its people.


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