Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are seen in a combination photo
Mila Kunis (L), seen at the Toronto Film Festival on September 10, 2013 and Ashton Kutcher, seen at an LA Lakers game in Los Angeles May 1, 2012, are seen in a combination photo. Hollywood stars Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are engaged to be married, according to US Weekly and the E! entertainment news website. REUTERS/Mark Blinch/Alex Galla

Is trouble brewing in Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher's relationship? The latest edition of Star magazine has suggested that the couple had a fight, which led them to give a second thought to their marriage.

The cover of the magazine reads as "Mila and Ashton, the fight that stopped the wedding. Pregnant Mila alone and in tears. Screaming match over his all-night drinking and her violent temper ruins their fairy-tale romance."

It is being understood that it is because of the FIFA world cup final match that the couple had a fight. It has been hinted by the magazine that Kunis did not want Kutcher to fly to Brazil to watch the finals. This probably led to a fight between the couple.

"She told him that he'd better sell his World Cup tickets, because there was no way she was allowing him to go. He couldn't believe she would tell him that he couldn't go to an iconic event that only happens once every four years! So Ashton told Mila he was tired of her controlling his every move," a source told told the magazine as per Celebdirtylaundry reports.

These rumours seem pretty absurd as much recently, Kunis implied in an interview that her relationship with Kutcher is very strong and they both have seen a lot together.

"I went through everything embarrassing that a girl can go through in front of my fiancé," said Kunis to W magazine adding "There's no question that he's seen the worst. I find that comforting.I never wanted to get married...From the age of 12, I prepared my parents for no marriage. Then things changed -- I found the love of my life."

"We all get movie-star crushes. I'm marrying mine," shared Kunis further.

Kunis and Kutcher have been in a relationship for quite a while and with bundle of joy coming in their life, it seems quite impossible that they would break up simply over a FIFA World Cup.

The star's reps are yet to react on Star Magazine's report.