There is something in the water that celebrities drink. Aside from giving donations and sponsoring and supporting charitable events, celebrities are also capable of helping other people during emergencies.

Hollywood actress, Mila Kunis, helped a 50-year-old man who was having a seizure. The man works for Kunis in her home when the man started coughing, choking and vomiting before he collapsed on the floor.

When the incident happened, Kunis immediately made her friend called 911. According to the gossip website, TMZ, Kunis turned the man's head on the side so he would not choke with his own vomit while another person stuffed a wallet in the man's mouth so he would not swallow his tongue.

The actress also offered to travel to the hospital in the ambulance. However, the medical provider said that it was unnecessary.

It was not only Mila Kunis who saved another person's life. Veteran actor, Dustin Hoffman. also saved a British jogger who had a cardiac arrest. The man later known as Sam Dempster collapsed while having a run at London's Hyde Park.

The Rain Man star who has a house called an ambulance and waiting with the victim until the help arrived.

See the slideshow for some of the celebrities who saved lives of others.