U.S. singer Miley Cyrus performs at the O2 Arena in central London May 6, 2014. REUTERS/Olivia Harris
U.S. singer Miley Cyrus performs at the O2 Arena in central London May 6, 2014. REUTERS/Olivia Harris REUTERS/Olivia Harris

In her most controversial post ever, Miley Cyrus has called herself a "slut" in the latest Instagram post and posted a picture of hugging a male private part. The picture shows the 21-year-old singer hugging an inflatable penis with her eyes closed. "I'll say b4 any of you get the pleasure #SLUT," Miley captions the picture, which can be seen here.

Miley has been on her slut shamming mission lately. Before calling herself a "slut" the singer also called singer Katy Perry by the same name. She posted a picture of Katy Perry and her kissing during one of her "Bangerz" concert and captioned it under "woman crush wednesday" or #WCW. Read more about it here. Meanwhile, the singer has also posted a topless picture on her Instagram account where she is seen surrounded by bath foam in her bathtub. The singer covered her modesty only by using photoshop to hide her breasts with a pair of silver balls. Check out the picture here.

If posing nude in the bathtub was not enough for Miley, the singer also posted a very small video clip showing her in action in the bath tub. Check it out here. The singer has been posting a lot of semi-nude and topless pictures of her on her Instagram account lately. See one of it here.

Miley has always been in news because of her controversial antics. Some of the critics are of the opinion that if Miley Cyrus was not a female, she would not have been criticised for her antics and nude behaviour. She has become the target of haters because of her gender, writes Megan Sellers from New Zealand Herald.

"The question has to be asked, where is the same criticism for her male counterparts? I'm not saying they deserve to be dragged over hot coals -- but neither does Miley. Who is she hurting?" asks Sellers.

However Joanna Hunkin from the same website is of the opinion that Miley's antics are "not feminist" as she claims and does not in any way help "empower" women as Miley claims in her interviews. "It helps sell records and concert tickets. That's all," Hunkin added.